Friday, December 16, 2005

- 借问路强吻女生 男子被咬掉舌头
- 白痴天才背书9000本不会穿衣
- 疯狂暗恋邻家女 痴男多次翻窗入户帮做家务
男女网上热恋 相见竟是母子
窃贼摸上床 误认是老公 迷糊妇失身 淫贼被捕
美国老少配 37岁怀胎7月 嫁给15岁新郎

this is are some of the more "interesting" ones tt i found admist other wierd headlines like
传北外处女率15.86% 北外回击称性行为率11% which did a survey on the no. of virgins... mankind & their sexual pleasures...

can someone define 'normal' for me?

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