Wednesday, March 29, 2006

it's a Fucking Freaking Freaktarded world where we just have to Flunk & Flop examinations & Fail them oh so terribly that u're just so Fascinated by all this Fudge...

in case u haven noticed, the world is full of Fs isnt it? bird Flu, Failures, Freaks etc...

god kill me.... why does the bad news always have to come with e gd news...
& i just have to work so much harder & believe in myself so much more...
i guess i've been just wallowing in self pity in e depths of low confidence lvl for too long that one sort of forgot how to soar...

& i can't find excuses, i'm just too tired to even live a lie...

i used to feel that u only use to feel jaded in a different context.... now i noe, with the pressures of society squeezing e shit out of us, we don't even have a damned childhood & blessed teenage years & being forced into adulthood by coming into terms with shapes tt simply dun shut their fucking mouths & birds that haf no brains... but in the end, i end up scoring like e one i hated too.... ironies ironies isn't it?

the fact that i wasn't even plagued by anything surprises me... what have i lost? what have i given up that resulted in the me today... the me i hate...

maybe i knew all along... that some things, u just can't let go....

& here i cry in e middle of the night, w.o fears, w.o tears...

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