i believe it is a chore to stay alive
i believe it is a unpleasant burden to want to live life to e fullest
there is no one i currently idolise now since narimiya is homo and kim jung hoon is a crybaby. new stars are popping up on screens like coco crunch. they all look e same to me. nice looks no talent minimal ability to do anything decent except to look cool. at least narimiya can do better... ok i still love nari.
i wonder how ms leong got herself into harvard. she must be a nerd. if nt, a damn smart kickass lady of e century.
let us drift apart. let us nt hold on to memories too. they'll become too heavy & sink my raft.
toot toot toot.
What about the love that is Oguri Shun? ;DDD <333
Watch the Japanese version of HanaKimi! <33
LOL. me <3 NARIMIYA!!!
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