Wednesday, September 13, 2006

so much for leaving a gd impression...

4 million smiles (not forgetting barbed wires)welcome u to singapore.

"IMF and World Bank Rebuke Singapore" (Financial Times)

“NGO Ban will Embarrass Singapore” (Bangkok Post)

“Singapore under fire as World Bank-IMF Protest” (AFP) “”While we understand and agree that security at the meetings is of paramount importance, Singapore’s authorities have not shared any information that would make us … consider these individuals as potential threats”

“Singapore Rapped over Protest Ban” (BBC News) “In an interview with BBC World Business Report, Mr Wolfowitz said Singapore had made a “bad” decision when it blocked activists that had been invited to the event.

“Singapore Tightens the Cordon on Protest” (International Herald Tribune) “It’s completely astonishing”


talking bout s'pore govt doing its best to create e best impression for delegates, we're already creating a "great impression" by banning protestors who have been invited by the IMF.
the govt cites a list of reason, stressing on security of singapore, terrorism, blah blah blah. i guess they're just willing to give any reason to stop protest from happening in e streets.
and some minister was saying in zaobao newspaper 新加坡已相当开放.
damn rite we are.

So much for yaya Papaya.

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