Thursday, July 26, 2007


alice thru the looking glass... ----->

narimiya is cute... even though he is suspected to be bisexual... where have all e good man gone???!!!

everything looks beautilful when u're in a good mood. and i hope this will last.... pretty please.

but somehow, e fact that i know that this choice was made because of some other reasons besides my interest disturbs me once in a while...

wld i have worked so hard if e conditions were different? wld i be so desperate to a money making machine if i hadn't failed badly... who knows, who really cares.

sometimes u wish ppl wld come and comfort u, say what u're doing this rite because what u need know is just alot of comfort to know that u haven drowned in ur endless work, dying alone and forgotten. why do fear being forgotten. why are we so anxious to be self centered in our blogs, anxious to make sure tt everyone reads and knows our views, so quick to speak out e word 'I'.

sick ppl. very very sick.

the road goes ever on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said... link me ya. thanks!! cya around!