Monday, April 23, 2007

things tt can come out from a P2s mouth amazing.... in a really really bad way

Raphael: just now namsang say u sex with natasha

Nigel: Fuck you la namsang

Nigel: you sleep with malar

Namsang: fuck i dont friend you

Nigel: Everyone lets sex!

and tt was only 20% of the numerous fucks & assholes & suckers & what have u in the msn conversation which they added me in but i wasn't there to just give them a piece of my mind.(i was away).and to think they said it in a conversation fully aware that their teacher in the conversation. it's just shocking tt things like this can come out of a primary2. i didn't even dare say or write tt word till i was in sec 4 going j1. but honestly, i'm cutting down on it, even in extreme cases where i'm just blowing my top. it's so crude & nt necessary.

i don't know what is getting into them nowadays. they have vulgarities in P2, handphones in P3(some even in P2). they have everything in the world, except for the time with their parents. most of the parents have no idea what is going on with their child in school, or even if they do, they're in denial, either attributing e fact tt e child is forgetful to e genes or just hoping tt e teacher can do more to teach e child in sch because they can't do it @ home. so what's ur role as a parent? to load them with branded goods, satisfy their material needs? so now our future generations are even worse than e strawberry generation, they lie just to get attention, frm teachers & parents alike. they can spin ridiculous tales of how e teacher punished them every lesson when none of such things existed. they complain if there is too much stress, like stress frm learning spelling. what kind of child do u want? someone who whines @ e slightest pressure in school? someone who is protected & can get what he/she wants without even working hard?

what is e world coming to?


Anonymous said...

Oh GODS, what IS the world coming to indeed. O____O Primary TWO and they are sprouting such vulgarities?! ... They think it's cool to use vulgarities is it. :/ Gosh.

Anonymous said...

yar like wad da hell .o.o