YES!!! LOOOK AT MY CUTIE!!! WHICH I'VE FINALLY FOUND!!! ... wadever, it's all because of this cute white fluffy thing hanging in front of my computer giving me this big wide smile like there's no tomorrow, or like there's always tomorrow. i haven given it a name yet though. shld i call it fluffy? or terry? i mean from teru teru bouzu, so terry wld be... nice? CUTIEEEE.... wheee!!! i managed to find it like how many freaking lightyears after watching ima ai ni yukimasu. IN UR FACE!!! WOOT!
anyway, strange sightings have been, well, sighted at my house. it's getting crazier day by day.
first, me & my sis spotted a poor hello kitty being held hostage by a deranged woman by e window.
den we found this illegal squatter in my house. and then....
i guess it must be e full moon tt's making everyone crazy.... oh well, HAPPY LIFE!!!
I wish my family was as crazy as yours. xD
hahahaaaaaa so damn funny larr!
NOW I am convinced craziness is hereditary...
Where did you get the qing tian wa wa?!
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